Title: | Extreme Value Statistics and Quantile Estimation |
Description: | Fit, plot and compare several (extreme value) distribution functions. Compute (truncated) distribution quantile estimates and plot return periods on a linear scale. On the fitting method, see Asquith (2011): Distributional Analysis with L-moment Statistics [...] ISBN 1463508417. |
Authors: | Berry Boessenkool |
Maintainer: | Berry Boessenkool <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.5.9 |
Built: | 2025-03-07 03:49:49 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/brry/extremestat |
Annual discharge maxima of a stream in Austria called Griesler or Fuschler Ache, at the measurement station (gauge) near St. Lorenz, catchment area ca 100 km^2. Extracted from the time series 1976-2010 with a resolution of 15 Minutes.
num [1:35] 61.5 77 37 69.3 75.6 74.9 43.7 50.8 55.6 84.1 ...
Hydrographische Dienste Oberoesterreich und Salzburg, analyzed by package author ([email protected])
data(annMax) str(annMax) str(annMax) plot(1976:2010, annMax, type="l", las=1, main="annMax dataset from Austria") # Moving Average with different window widths: berryFunctions::movAvLines(annMax, x=1976:2010, lwd=3, alpha=0.7)
data(annMax) str(annMax) str(annMax) plot(1976:2010, annMax, type="l", las=1, main="annMax dataset from Austria") # Moving Average with different window widths: berryFunctions::movAvLines(annMax, x=1976:2010, lwd=3, alpha=0.7)
Calculates and plots bootstrap uncertainty intervals for plotLextreme
distLexBoot( dlf, nbest = 3, selection = NULL, n = 100, prop = 0.8, conf.lev = 0.95, replace = FALSE, RPs = NULL, log = TRUE, progbars = TRUE, quiet = FALSE )
distLexBoot( dlf, nbest = 3, selection = NULL, n = 100, prop = 0.8, conf.lev = 0.95, replace = FALSE, RPs = NULL, log = TRUE, progbars = TRUE, quiet = FALSE )
dlf |
nbest |
Number of best fitted distribution functions in dlf for which
bootstrapping is to be done. Overridden by |
selection |
Character vector with distribution function names to be used. Suggested to keep this low. DEFAULT: NULL |
n |
Number of subsamples to be processed (computing time increases extraordinarily). DEFAULT: 100 |
prop |
Proportion of sample to be used in each run. DEFAULT: 0.8 |
conf.lev |
Confidence level (Proportion of subsamples within 'confidence interval').
Quantiles extracted from this value are passed to
replace |
Logical: replace in each |
RPs |
Return Period vector, by default calculated internally based on
value of |
log |
RPs suitable for plot on a logarithmic axis? DEFAULT: TRUE |
progbars |
Show progress bar for Monte Carlo simulation? DEFAULT: TRUE |
quiet |
Logical: suppress messages? See |
Has not been thoroughly tested yet. Bootstrapping defaults can probably be improved.
invisible dlf object, see printL
Additional elements are: exBootCL (confidence level),
exBootRPs (x values for plot)
exBootSim (all simulation results) and exBootCI (aggregated into CI band).
The last two are each a list with a matrix (return levels)
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Sept 2015 + Dec 2016
data(annMax) dlf <- distLextreme(annMax, selection=c("gum","gev","wak","nor")) dlfB <- distLexBoot(dlf, nbest=4, conf.lev=0.5, n=10) # n low for quick example tests plotLexBoot(dlfB) plotLexBoot(dlfB, selection=c("nor","gev")) plotLexBoot(dlfB, selection=c("gum","gev","wak","nor"), order=FALSE)
data(annMax) dlf <- distLextreme(annMax, selection=c("gum","gev","wak","nor")) dlfB <- distLexBoot(dlf, nbest=4, conf.lev=0.5, n=10) # n low for quick example tests plotLexBoot(dlfB) plotLexBoot(dlfB, selection=c("nor","gev")) plotLexBoot(dlfB, selection=c("gum","gev","wak","nor"), order=FALSE)
Extreme value statistics for flood risk estimation. Input: vector with annual discharge maxima (or all observations for POT approach). Output: discharge estimates for given return periods, parameters of several distributions (fit based on L-moments), quality of fits, plot with linear/logarithmic axis. (plotting positions by Weibull and Gringorton).
distLextreme( dat = NULL, dlf = NULL, RPs = c(2, 5, 10, 20, 50), npy = 1, truncate = 0, quiet = FALSE, ... )
distLextreme( dat = NULL, dlf = NULL, RPs = c(2, 5, 10, 20, 50), npy = 1, truncate = 0, quiet = FALSE, ... )
dat |
Vector with either (for Block Maxima Approach) extreme values like annual discharge maxima or (for Peak Over Threshold approach) all values in time-series. Ignored if dlf is given. DEFAULT: NULL |
dlf |
List as returned by |
RPs |
Return Periods (in years) for which discharge is estimated. DEFAULT: c(2,5,10,20,50) |
npy |
Number of observations per year. Leave |
truncate |
Truncated proportion to determine POT threshold,
see |
quiet |
Suppress notes and progbars? DEFAULT: FALSE |
... |
Further arguments passed to |
adds weibull and gringorton plotting positions
to the distribution lines, which are estimated from the L-moments of the data itself.
I personally believe that if you have, say, 35 values in dat
the highest return period should be around 36 years (Weibull) and not 60 (Gringorton).
The plotting positions don't affect the distribution parameter estimation,
so this dispute is not really important.
But if you care, go ahead and google "weibull vs gringorton plotting positions".
Plotting positions are not used for fitting distributions, but for plotting only.
The ranks of ascendingly sorted extreme values are used to
compute the probability of non-exceedance Pn:Pn_w <- Rank /(n+1) # Weibull
Pn_g <- (Rank-0.44)/(n+0.12) # Gringorton (taken from lmom:::evplot.default)
Finally: RP = Return period = recurrence interval = 1/P_exceedance = 1/(1-P_nonexc.), thus:RPweibull = 1/(1-Pn_w)
and analogous for gringorton.
invisible dlf object, see printL
The added element is returnlev
, a data.frame with the return level (discharge)
for all given RPs and for each distribution.
Note that this differs from distLquantile
(matrix output, not data.frame)
This function replaces berryFunctions::extremeStatLmom
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], 2012 (first draft) - 2014 & 2015 (main updates)
https://RclickHandbuch.wordpress.com Chapter 15 (German)
Christoph Mudersbach: Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung von hydrologischen
Bemessungsgroessen mit Verfahren der instationaeren Extremwertstatistik
. distLexBoot
for confidence
interval from Bootstrapping.
in the package extRemes
# Basic examples # BM vs POT # Plotting options # weighted mean based on Goodness of fit (GOF) # Effect of data proportion used to estimate GOF # compare extremeStat with other packages library(lmomco) library(berryFunctions) data(annMax) # annual streamflow maxima in river in Austria # Basic examples --------------------------------------------------------------- dlf <- distLextreme(annMax) plotLextreme(dlf, log=TRUE) plotLextreme(dlf, log="xy") plotLextreme(dlf) # Object structure: str(dlf, max.lev=2) printL(dlf) # discharge levels for default return periods: dlf$returnlev # Estimate discharge that could occur every 80 years (at least empirically): Q80 <- distLextreme(dlf=dlf, RPs=80)$returnlev round(sort(Q80[1:17,1]),1) # 99 to 143 m^3/s can make a relevant difference in engineering! # That's why the rows weighted by GOF are helpful. Weights are given as in plotLweights(dlf) # See also section weighted mean below # For confidence intervals see ?distLexBoot # Return period of a given discharge value, say 120 m^3/s: round0(sort(1/(1-sapply(dlf$parameter, plmomco, x=120) ) ),1) # exponential: every 29 years # gev (general extreme value dist): 59, # Weibull: every 73 years only # BM vs POT -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return levels by Block Maxima approach vs Peak Over Threshold approach: # BM distribution theoretically converges to GEV, POT to GPD data(rain, package="ismev") days <- seq(as.Date("1914-01-01"), as.Date("1961-12-30"), by="days") BM <- tapply(rain, format(days,"%Y"), max) ; rm(days) dlfBM <- plotLextreme(distLextreme(BM, emp=FALSE), ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10) plotLexBoot(distLexBoot(dlfBM, quiet=TRUE), ylim=lim0(100)) plotLextreme(dlfBM, log=TRUE, ylim=lim0(100)) dlfPOT99 <- distLextreme(rain, npy=365.24, trunc=0.99, emp=FALSE) dlfPOT99 <- plotLextreme(dlfPOT99, ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10, main="POT 99") printL(dlfPOT99) # using only nonzero values (normally yields better fits, but not here) rainnz <- rain[rain>0] dlfPOT99nz <- distLextreme(rainnz, npy=length(rainnz)/48, trunc=0.99, emp=FALSE) dlfPOT99nz <- plotLextreme(dlfPOT99nz, ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10, main=paste("POT 99 x>0, npy =", round(dlfPOT99nz$npy,2))) ## Not run: ## Excluded from CRAN R CMD check because of computing time dlfPOT99boot <- distLexBoot(dlfPOT99, prop=0.4) printL(dlfPOT99boot) plotLexBoot(dlfPOT99boot) dlfPOT90 <- distLextreme(rain, npy=365.24, trunc=0.90, emp=FALSE) dlfPOT90 <- plotLextreme(dlfPOT90, ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10, main="POT 90") dlfPOT50 <- distLextreme(rain, npy=365.24, trunc=0.50, emp=FALSE) dlfPOT50 <- plotLextreme(dlfPOT50, ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10, main="POT 50") ## End(Not run) ig99 <- ismev::gpd.fit(rain, dlfPOT99$threshold) ismev::gpd.diag(ig99); title(main=paste(99, ig99$threshold)) ## Not run: ig90 <- ismev::gpd.fit(rain, dlfPOT90$threshold) ismev::gpd.diag(ig90); title(main=paste(90, ig90$threshold)) ig50 <- ismev::gpd.fit(rain, dlfPOT50$threshold) ismev::gpd.diag(ig50); title(main=paste(50, ig50$threshold)) ## End(Not run) # Plotting options ------------------------------------------------------------- plotLextreme(dlf=dlf) # Line colors / select distributions to be plotted: plotLextreme(dlf, nbest=17, distcols=heat.colors(17), lty=1:5) # lty is recycled plotLextreme(dlf, selection=c("gev", "gam", "gum"), distcols=4:6, PPcol=3, lty=3:2) plotLextreme(dlf, selection=c("gpa","glo","wei","exp"), pch=c(NA,NA,6,8), order=TRUE, cex=c(1,0.6, 1,1), log=TRUE, PPpch=c(16,NA), n_pch=20) # use n_pch to say how many points are drawn per line (important for linear axis) plotLextreme(dlf, legarg=list(cex=0.5, x="bottom", box.col="red", col=3)) # col in legarg list is (correctly) ignored ## Not run: ## Excluded from package R CMD check because it's time consuming plotLextreme(dlf, PPpch=c(1,NA)) # only Weibull plotting positions # add different dataset to existing plot: distLextreme(Nile/15, add=TRUE, PPpch=NA, distcols=1, selection="wak", legend=FALSE) # Logarithmic axis plotLextreme(distLextreme(Nile), log=TRUE, nbest=8) # weighted mean based on Goodness of fit (GOF) --------------------------------- # Add discharge weighted average estimate continuously: plotLextreme(dlf, nbest=17, legend=FALSE) abline(h=115.6, v=50) RP <- seq(1, 70, len=100) DischargeEstimate <- distLextreme(dlf=dlf, RPs=RP, plot=FALSE)$returnlev lines(RP, DischargeEstimate["weighted2",], lwd=3, col="orange") # Or, on log scale: plotLextreme(dlf, nbest=17, legend=FALSE, log=TRUE) abline(h=115.9, v=50) RP <- unique(round(logSpaced(min=1, max=70, n=200, plot=FALSE),2)) DischargeEstimate <- distLextreme(dlf=dlf, RPs=RP)$returnlev lines(RP, DischargeEstimate["weighted2",], lwd=5) # Minima ----------------------------------------------------------------------- browseURL("https://nrfa.ceh.ac.uk/data/station/meanflow/39072") qfile <- system.file("extdata/discharge39072.csv", package="berryFunctions") Q <- read.table(qfile, skip=19, header=TRUE, sep=",", fill=TRUE)[,1:2] rm(qfile) colnames(Q) <- c("date","discharge") Q$date <- as.Date(Q$date) plot(Q, type="l") Qmax <- tapply(Q$discharge, format(Q$date,"%Y"), max) plotLextreme(distLextreme(Qmax, quiet=TRUE)) Qmin <- tapply(Q$discharge, format(Q$date,"%Y"), min) dlf <- distLextreme(-Qmin, quiet=TRUE, RPs=c(2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500)) plotLextreme(dlf, ylim=c(0,-31), yaxs="i", yaxt="n", ylab="Q annual minimum", nbest=14) axis(2, -(0:3*10), 0:3*10, las=1) -dlf$returnlev[c(1:14,21), ] # Some distribution functions are an obvious bad choice for this, so I use # weighted 3: Values weighted by GOF of dist only for the best half. # For the Thames in Windsor, we will likely always have > 9 m^3/s streamflow # compare extremeStat with other packages: --------------------------------------- library(extRemes) plot(fevd(annMax)) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) return.level(fevd(annMax, type="GEV")) # "GP", "PP", "Gumbel", "Exponential" distLextreme(dlf=dlf, RPs=c(2,20,100))$returnlev["gev",] # differences are small, but noticeable... # if you have time for a more thorough control, please pass me the results! # yet another dataset for testing purposes: Dresden_AnnualMax <- c(403, 468, 497, 539, 542, 634, 662, 765, 834, 847, 851, 873, 885, 983, 996, 1020, 1028, 1090, 1096, 1110, 1173, 1180, 1180, 1220, 1270, 1285, 1329, 1360, 1360, 1387, 1401, 1410, 1410, 1456, 1556, 1580, 1610, 1630, 1680, 1734, 1740, 1748, 1780, 1800, 1820, 1896, 1962, 2000, 2010, 2238, 2270, 2860, 4500) plotLextreme(distLextreme(Dresden_AnnualMax)) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun
# Basic examples # BM vs POT # Plotting options # weighted mean based on Goodness of fit (GOF) # Effect of data proportion used to estimate GOF # compare extremeStat with other packages library(lmomco) library(berryFunctions) data(annMax) # annual streamflow maxima in river in Austria # Basic examples --------------------------------------------------------------- dlf <- distLextreme(annMax) plotLextreme(dlf, log=TRUE) plotLextreme(dlf, log="xy") plotLextreme(dlf) # Object structure: str(dlf, max.lev=2) printL(dlf) # discharge levels for default return periods: dlf$returnlev # Estimate discharge that could occur every 80 years (at least empirically): Q80 <- distLextreme(dlf=dlf, RPs=80)$returnlev round(sort(Q80[1:17,1]),1) # 99 to 143 m^3/s can make a relevant difference in engineering! # That's why the rows weighted by GOF are helpful. Weights are given as in plotLweights(dlf) # See also section weighted mean below # For confidence intervals see ?distLexBoot # Return period of a given discharge value, say 120 m^3/s: round0(sort(1/(1-sapply(dlf$parameter, plmomco, x=120) ) ),1) # exponential: every 29 years # gev (general extreme value dist): 59, # Weibull: every 73 years only # BM vs POT -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return levels by Block Maxima approach vs Peak Over Threshold approach: # BM distribution theoretically converges to GEV, POT to GPD data(rain, package="ismev") days <- seq(as.Date("1914-01-01"), as.Date("1961-12-30"), by="days") BM <- tapply(rain, format(days,"%Y"), max) ; rm(days) dlfBM <- plotLextreme(distLextreme(BM, emp=FALSE), ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10) plotLexBoot(distLexBoot(dlfBM, quiet=TRUE), ylim=lim0(100)) plotLextreme(dlfBM, log=TRUE, ylim=lim0(100)) dlfPOT99 <- distLextreme(rain, npy=365.24, trunc=0.99, emp=FALSE) dlfPOT99 <- plotLextreme(dlfPOT99, ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10, main="POT 99") printL(dlfPOT99) # using only nonzero values (normally yields better fits, but not here) rainnz <- rain[rain>0] dlfPOT99nz <- distLextreme(rainnz, npy=length(rainnz)/48, trunc=0.99, emp=FALSE) dlfPOT99nz <- plotLextreme(dlfPOT99nz, ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10, main=paste("POT 99 x>0, npy =", round(dlfPOT99nz$npy,2))) ## Not run: ## Excluded from CRAN R CMD check because of computing time dlfPOT99boot <- distLexBoot(dlfPOT99, prop=0.4) printL(dlfPOT99boot) plotLexBoot(dlfPOT99boot) dlfPOT90 <- distLextreme(rain, npy=365.24, trunc=0.90, emp=FALSE) dlfPOT90 <- plotLextreme(dlfPOT90, ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10, main="POT 90") dlfPOT50 <- distLextreme(rain, npy=365.24, trunc=0.50, emp=FALSE) dlfPOT50 <- plotLextreme(dlfPOT50, ylim=lim0(100), log=TRUE, nbest=10, main="POT 50") ## End(Not run) ig99 <- ismev::gpd.fit(rain, dlfPOT99$threshold) ismev::gpd.diag(ig99); title(main=paste(99, ig99$threshold)) ## Not run: ig90 <- ismev::gpd.fit(rain, dlfPOT90$threshold) ismev::gpd.diag(ig90); title(main=paste(90, ig90$threshold)) ig50 <- ismev::gpd.fit(rain, dlfPOT50$threshold) ismev::gpd.diag(ig50); title(main=paste(50, ig50$threshold)) ## End(Not run) # Plotting options ------------------------------------------------------------- plotLextreme(dlf=dlf) # Line colors / select distributions to be plotted: plotLextreme(dlf, nbest=17, distcols=heat.colors(17), lty=1:5) # lty is recycled plotLextreme(dlf, selection=c("gev", "gam", "gum"), distcols=4:6, PPcol=3, lty=3:2) plotLextreme(dlf, selection=c("gpa","glo","wei","exp"), pch=c(NA,NA,6,8), order=TRUE, cex=c(1,0.6, 1,1), log=TRUE, PPpch=c(16,NA), n_pch=20) # use n_pch to say how many points are drawn per line (important for linear axis) plotLextreme(dlf, legarg=list(cex=0.5, x="bottom", box.col="red", col=3)) # col in legarg list is (correctly) ignored ## Not run: ## Excluded from package R CMD check because it's time consuming plotLextreme(dlf, PPpch=c(1,NA)) # only Weibull plotting positions # add different dataset to existing plot: distLextreme(Nile/15, add=TRUE, PPpch=NA, distcols=1, selection="wak", legend=FALSE) # Logarithmic axis plotLextreme(distLextreme(Nile), log=TRUE, nbest=8) # weighted mean based on Goodness of fit (GOF) --------------------------------- # Add discharge weighted average estimate continuously: plotLextreme(dlf, nbest=17, legend=FALSE) abline(h=115.6, v=50) RP <- seq(1, 70, len=100) DischargeEstimate <- distLextreme(dlf=dlf, RPs=RP, plot=FALSE)$returnlev lines(RP, DischargeEstimate["weighted2",], lwd=3, col="orange") # Or, on log scale: plotLextreme(dlf, nbest=17, legend=FALSE, log=TRUE) abline(h=115.9, v=50) RP <- unique(round(logSpaced(min=1, max=70, n=200, plot=FALSE),2)) DischargeEstimate <- distLextreme(dlf=dlf, RPs=RP)$returnlev lines(RP, DischargeEstimate["weighted2",], lwd=5) # Minima ----------------------------------------------------------------------- browseURL("https://nrfa.ceh.ac.uk/data/station/meanflow/39072") qfile <- system.file("extdata/discharge39072.csv", package="berryFunctions") Q <- read.table(qfile, skip=19, header=TRUE, sep=",", fill=TRUE)[,1:2] rm(qfile) colnames(Q) <- c("date","discharge") Q$date <- as.Date(Q$date) plot(Q, type="l") Qmax <- tapply(Q$discharge, format(Q$date,"%Y"), max) plotLextreme(distLextreme(Qmax, quiet=TRUE)) Qmin <- tapply(Q$discharge, format(Q$date,"%Y"), min) dlf <- distLextreme(-Qmin, quiet=TRUE, RPs=c(2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500)) plotLextreme(dlf, ylim=c(0,-31), yaxs="i", yaxt="n", ylab="Q annual minimum", nbest=14) axis(2, -(0:3*10), 0:3*10, las=1) -dlf$returnlev[c(1:14,21), ] # Some distribution functions are an obvious bad choice for this, so I use # weighted 3: Values weighted by GOF of dist only for the best half. # For the Thames in Windsor, we will likely always have > 9 m^3/s streamflow # compare extremeStat with other packages: --------------------------------------- library(extRemes) plot(fevd(annMax)) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) return.level(fevd(annMax, type="GEV")) # "GP", "PP", "Gumbel", "Exponential" distLextreme(dlf=dlf, RPs=c(2,20,100))$returnlev["gev",] # differences are small, but noticeable... # if you have time for a more thorough control, please pass me the results! # yet another dataset for testing purposes: Dresden_AnnualMax <- c(403, 468, 497, 539, 542, 634, 662, 765, 834, 847, 851, 873, 885, 983, 996, 1020, 1028, 1090, 1096, 1110, 1173, 1180, 1180, 1220, 1270, 1285, 1329, 1360, 1360, 1387, 1401, 1410, 1410, 1456, 1556, 1580, 1610, 1630, 1680, 1734, 1740, 1748, 1780, 1800, 1820, 1896, 1962, 2000, 2010, 2238, 2270, 2860, 4500) plotLextreme(distLextreme(Dresden_AnnualMax)) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun
Fit several distributions via L-moments with lmomco::lmom2par
and compute goodness of fit measures.
distLfit( dat, datname = deparse(substitute(dat)), selection = NULL, speed = TRUE, ks = FALSE, truncate = 0, threshold = berryFunctions::quantileMean(dat, truncate), progbars = length(dat) > 200, time = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, ssquiet = quiet, ... )
distLfit( dat, datname = deparse(substitute(dat)), selection = NULL, speed = TRUE, ks = FALSE, truncate = 0, threshold = berryFunctions::quantileMean(dat, truncate), progbars = length(dat) > 200, time = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, ssquiet = quiet, ... )
dat |
Vector with values |
datname |
Character string for main, xlab etc.
selection |
Selection of distributions. Character vector with types
as in |
speed |
If TRUE, several distributions are omitted, for the reasons
shown in |
ks |
Include ks.test results and CDF R^2 in |
truncate |
Number between 0 and 1. POT Censored |
threshold |
POT cutoff value. If you want correct percentiles,
set this only via truncate, see Details of |
progbars |
Show progress bars for each loop? DEFAULT: TRUE if n > 200 |
time |
quiet |
Suppress notes? DEFAULT: FALSE |
ssquiet |
Suppress sample size notes? DEFAULT: quiet |
... |
Further arguments passed to |
invisible dlf object, see printL
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Sept 2014, July 2015, Dec 2016
, distLweights
, plotLweights
, MASS::fitdistr
More complex estimates of quality of fits:
Fard, M.N.P. and Holmquist, B. (2013, Chilean Journal of Statistics):
Powerful goodness-of-fit tests for the extreme value distribution.
data(annMax) # basic usage on real data (annual discharge maxima in Austria) dlf <- distLfit(annMax) str(dlf, max.lev=2) printL(dlf) plotLfit(dlf) # arguments that can be passed to plotting function: plotLfit(dlf, lty=2, col=3, nbest=17, legargs=list(lwd=3), main="booh!") set.seed(42) dlf_b <- distLfit(rbeta(100, 5, 2)) plotLfit(dlf_b, nbest=10, legargs=c(x="left")) plotLfit(dlf_b, selection=c("gpa", "glo", "gev", "wak")) plotLfit(dlf_b, selection=c("gpa", "glo", "gev", "wak"), order=TRUE) plotLfit(dlf_b, distcols=c("orange",3:6), lty=1:3) # lty is recycled plotLfit(dlf_b, cdf=TRUE) plotLfit(dlf_b, cdf=TRUE, histargs=list(do.points=FALSE), sel="nor") # logarithmic axes: set.seed(1) y <- 10^rnorm(300, mean=2, sd=0.3) # if you use 1e4, distLfit will be much slower hist(y, breaks=20) berryFunctions::logHist(y, col=8) dlf <- distLfit(log10(y)) plotLfit(dlf, breaks=50) plotLfit(dlf, breaks=50, log=TRUE) # Goodness of fit: how well do the distributions fit the original data? # measured by RMSE of cumulated distribution function and ?ecdf # RMSE: root of average of ( errors squared ) , errors = line distances dlf <- distLfit(annMax, ks=TRUE) plotLfit(dlf, cdf=TRUE, sel=c("wak", "revgum")) x <- sort(annMax) segments(x0=x, y0=lmomco::plmomco(x, dlf$parameter$revgum), y1=ecdf(annMax)(x), col=2) segments(x0=x, y0=lmomco::plmomco(x, dlf$parameter$wak), y1=ecdf(annMax)(x), col=4, lwd=2) # weights by three different weighting schemes, see distLweights: plotLweights(dlf) plotLfit(distLfit(annMax ), cdf=TRUE, nbest=17)$gof plotLfit(distLfit(annMax, truncate=0.7), cdf=TRUE, nbest=17)$gof pairs(dlf$gof[,-(2:5)]) # measures of goodness of fit are correlated quite well here. dlf$gof # Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests for normal distribution return slightly different values: library(lmomco) ks.test(annMax, "pnorm", mean(annMax), sd(annMax) )$p.value ks.test(annMax, "cdfnor", parnor(lmoms(annMax)))$p.value # Fit all available distributions (30): ## Not run: # this takes a while... d_all <- distLfit(annMax, speed=FALSE, progbars=TRUE) # 20 sec printL(d_all) plotLfit(d_all, nbest=30, distcols=grey(1:22/29), xlim=c(20,140)) plotLfit(d_all, nbest=30, ylim=c(0,0.04), xlim=c(20,140)) plotLweights(d_all) d_all$gof ## End(Not run)
data(annMax) # basic usage on real data (annual discharge maxima in Austria) dlf <- distLfit(annMax) str(dlf, max.lev=2) printL(dlf) plotLfit(dlf) # arguments that can be passed to plotting function: plotLfit(dlf, lty=2, col=3, nbest=17, legargs=list(lwd=3), main="booh!") set.seed(42) dlf_b <- distLfit(rbeta(100, 5, 2)) plotLfit(dlf_b, nbest=10, legargs=c(x="left")) plotLfit(dlf_b, selection=c("gpa", "glo", "gev", "wak")) plotLfit(dlf_b, selection=c("gpa", "glo", "gev", "wak"), order=TRUE) plotLfit(dlf_b, distcols=c("orange",3:6), lty=1:3) # lty is recycled plotLfit(dlf_b, cdf=TRUE) plotLfit(dlf_b, cdf=TRUE, histargs=list(do.points=FALSE), sel="nor") # logarithmic axes: set.seed(1) y <- 10^rnorm(300, mean=2, sd=0.3) # if you use 1e4, distLfit will be much slower hist(y, breaks=20) berryFunctions::logHist(y, col=8) dlf <- distLfit(log10(y)) plotLfit(dlf, breaks=50) plotLfit(dlf, breaks=50, log=TRUE) # Goodness of fit: how well do the distributions fit the original data? # measured by RMSE of cumulated distribution function and ?ecdf # RMSE: root of average of ( errors squared ) , errors = line distances dlf <- distLfit(annMax, ks=TRUE) plotLfit(dlf, cdf=TRUE, sel=c("wak", "revgum")) x <- sort(annMax) segments(x0=x, y0=lmomco::plmomco(x, dlf$parameter$revgum), y1=ecdf(annMax)(x), col=2) segments(x0=x, y0=lmomco::plmomco(x, dlf$parameter$wak), y1=ecdf(annMax)(x), col=4, lwd=2) # weights by three different weighting schemes, see distLweights: plotLweights(dlf) plotLfit(distLfit(annMax ), cdf=TRUE, nbest=17)$gof plotLfit(distLfit(annMax, truncate=0.7), cdf=TRUE, nbest=17)$gof pairs(dlf$gof[,-(2:5)]) # measures of goodness of fit are correlated quite well here. dlf$gof # Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests for normal distribution return slightly different values: library(lmomco) ks.test(annMax, "pnorm", mean(annMax), sd(annMax) )$p.value ks.test(annMax, "cdfnor", parnor(lmoms(annMax)))$p.value # Fit all available distributions (30): ## Not run: # this takes a while... d_all <- distLfit(annMax, speed=FALSE, progbars=TRUE) # 20 sec printL(d_all) plotLfit(d_all, nbest=30, distcols=grey(1:22/29), xlim=c(20,140)) plotLfit(d_all, nbest=30, ylim=c(0,0.04), xlim=c(20,140)) plotLweights(d_all) d_all$gof ## End(Not run)
Parametric quantiles of distributions fitted to a sample.
distLquantile( x = NULL, probs = c(0.8, 0.9, 0.99), truncate = 0, threshold = quantileMean(dlf$dat_full[is.finite(dlf$dat_full)], truncate), sanerange = NA, sanevals = NA, selection = NULL, order = TRUE, dlf = NULL, datname = deparse(substitute(x)), list = FALSE, empirical = TRUE, qemp.type = 8, weighted = empirical, gpd = empirical, speed = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, ssquiet = quiet, ttquiet = quiet, gpquiet = missing(quiet) | quiet, ... )
distLquantile( x = NULL, probs = c(0.8, 0.9, 0.99), truncate = 0, threshold = quantileMean(dlf$dat_full[is.finite(dlf$dat_full)], truncate), sanerange = NA, sanevals = NA, selection = NULL, order = TRUE, dlf = NULL, datname = deparse(substitute(x)), list = FALSE, empirical = TRUE, qemp.type = 8, weighted = empirical, gpd = empirical, speed = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, ssquiet = quiet, ttquiet = quiet, gpquiet = missing(quiet) | quiet, ... )
x |
Sample for which parametric quantiles are to be calculated.
If it is NULL (the default), |
probs |
Numeric vector of probabilities with values in [0,1]. DEFAULT: c(0.8,0.9,0.99) |
truncate |
Number between 0 and 1 (proportion of sample discarded). Censored quantile: fit to highest values only (truncate lower proportion of x). Probabilities are adjusted accordingly. DEFAULT: 0 |
threshold |
POT cutoff value. If you want correct percentiles,
set this only via truncate, see Details of |
sanerange |
Range outside of which results should be changed to |
sanevals |
Values to be used below [1] and above [2] |
selection |
Distribution type, eg. "gev" or "wak", see
order |
Logical: sort by RMSE, even if selection is given?
See |
dlf |
dlf object described in |
datname |
Character string: data name, important if list=TRUE. DEFAULT: deparse(substitute(x)) |
list |
Return full |
empirical |
Add rows "empirical" and "quantileMean" in the output matrix?
Uses |
qemp.type |
Method passed to |
weighted |
Include weighted averages across distribution functions to the output? DEFAULT: empirical, so additional options can all be excluded with emp=F. |
gpd |
Include GPD quantile estimation via |
speed |
Compute |
quiet |
Suppress notes? If it is actually set to FALSE (not missing), gpquiet is set to FALSE to print all the warnings including stacks. DEFAULT: FALSE |
ssquiet |
Suppress sample size notes? DEFAULT: quiet |
ttquiet |
Suppress truncation!=threshold note? DEFAULT: quiet |
gpquiet |
Suppress warnings in |
... |
Arguments passed to |
Very high quantiles (99% and higher) need large sample sizes for
to yield a robust estimate. Theoretically, at least
1/(1-probs) values must be present, e.g. 10'000 for Q99.99%. With smaller
sample sizes (eg n=35), they underestimate the actual (but unknown)
quantile. Parametric quantiles need only small sample sizes. They don't have
a systematical underestimation bias, but have higher variability.
if list=FALSE (default): invisible matrix with distribution quantile values .
if list=TRUE: invisible dlf object, see printL
NAs are always removed from x in distLfit
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], March + July 2015, Feb 2016
On GPD: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/69438
, distLfit
, require("truncdist")
Xian Zhou, Liuquan Sun and Haobo Ren (2000): Quantile estimation for
left truncated and right censored data, Statistica Sinica 10
data(annMax) # Annual Discharge Maxima (streamflow) distLquantile(annMax, emp=FALSE)[,] # several distribution functions in lmomco ## Not run: ## Taken out from CRAN package check because it's slow distLquantile(annMax, truncate=0.8, probs=0.95)[,] # POT (annMax already block maxima) dlf <- distLquantile(annMax, probs=0.95, list=TRUE) plotLquantile(dlf, linargs=list(lwd=3), nbest=5, breaks=10) dlf$quant # Parametric 95% quantile estimates range from 92 to 111! # But the best fitting distributions all lie aroud 103. # compare General Pareto Fitting methods # Theoretically, the tails of distributions converge to GPD (General Pareto) # q_gpd compares several R packages for fitting and quantile estimation: dlq <- distLquantile(annMax, weighted=FALSE, quiet=TRUE, probs=0.97, list=TRUE) dlq$quant plotLquantile(dlq) # per default best fitting distribution functions plotLquantile(dlq, row=c("wak","GPD*"), nbest=14) #pdf("dummy.pdf", width=9) plotLquantile(dlq, row="GPD*", nbest=13, xlim=c(102,110), linargs=list(lwd=3), heights=seq(0.02, 0.005, len=14)) #dev.off() # Sanity checks: important for very small samples: x1 <- c(2.6, 2.5, 2.9, 3, 5, 2.7, 2.7, 5.7, 2.8, 3.1, 3.6, 2.6, 5.8, 5.6, 5.7, 5.3) q1 <- distLquantile(x1, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500)) x2 <- c(6.1, 2.4, 4.1, 2.4, 6, 6.3, 2.9, 6.8, 3.5) q2 <- distLquantile(x2, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500), quiet=FALSE) x3 <- c(4.4, 3, 1.8, 7.3, 2.1, 2.1, 1.8, 1.8) q3 <- distLquantile(x3, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500)) # weighted distribution quantiles are calculated by different weighting schemes: plotLweights(dlf) # If speed is important and parameters are already available, pass them via dlf: distLquantile(dlf=dlf, probs=0:5/5, selection=c("wak","gev","kap")) distLquantile(dlf=dlf, truncate=0.3, list=TRUE)$truncate # censored (truncated, trimmed) quantile, Peak Over Treshold (POT) method: qwak <- distLquantile(annMax, sel="wak", prob=0.95, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE) plotLquantile(qwak, ylim=c(0,0.06) ); qwak$quant qwak2 <-distLquantile(annMax, sel="wak", prob=0.95, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE, truncate=0.6) plotLquantile(qwak2, add=TRUE, distcols="blue") # Simulation of truncation effect library(lmomco) #set.seed(42) rnum <- rlmomco(n=1e3, para=dlf$parameter$gev) myprobs <- c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999) mytrunc <- seq(0, 0.9, length.out=20) trunceffect <- sapply(mytrunc, function(mt) distLquantile(rnum, selection="gev", probs=myprobs, truncate=mt, quiet=TRUE, pempirical=FALSE)["gev",]) # If more values are truncated, the function runs faster op <- par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(2,4.5,2,0.5), cex.main=1) dlf1 <- distLquantile(rnum, sel="gev", probs=myprobs, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE) dlf2 <- distLquantile(rnum, sel="gev", probs=myprobs, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE, truncate=0.3) plotLquantile(dlf1, ylab="", xlab="") plotLquantile(dlf2, add=TRUE, distcols=4) legend("right", c("fitted GEV", "fitted with truncate=0.3"), lty=1, col=c(2,4), bg="white") par(mar=c(3,4.5,3,0.5)) plot(mytrunc, trunceffect[1,], ylim=range(trunceffect), las=1, type="l", main=c("High quantiles of 1000 random numbers from gev distribution", "Estimation based on proportion of lower values truncated"), xlab="", ylab="parametric quantile") title(xlab="Proportion censored", mgp=c(1.8,1,0)) for(i in 2:4) lines(mytrunc, trunceffect[i,]) library("berryFunctions") textField(rep(0.5,4), trunceffect[,11], paste0("Q",myprobs*100,"%") ) par(op) trunc <- seq(0,0.1,len=200) dd <- pbsapply(trunc, function(t) distLquantile(annMax, selection="gpa", weight=FALSE, truncate=t, prob=0.99, quiet=T)[c(1,3),]) plot(trunc, dd[1,], type="o", las=1) lines(trunc, dd[2,], type="o", col=2) set.seed(3); rnum <- rlmomco(n=1e3, para=dlf$parameter$gpa) qd99 <- evir::quant(rnum, p=0.99, start=15, end=1000, ci=0.5, models=30) axis(3, at=seq(-1000,0, length=6), labels=0:5/5, pos=par("usr")[3]) title(xlab="Proportion truncated", line=-3) mytrunc <- seq(0, 0.9, length.out=30) trunceffect <- sapply(mytrunc, function(mt) distLquantile(rnum, selection="gpa", probs=0.99, truncate=mt, plot=FALSE, quiet=TRUE, empirical=FALSE, gpd=TRUE)) lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[1,], col=4) lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[2,], col=3) # interesting... for(i in 3:13) lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[i,], col=3) # interesting... # If you want the estimates only for one single truncation, use q_gpd(rnum, probs=myprobs, truncate=0.5) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun
data(annMax) # Annual Discharge Maxima (streamflow) distLquantile(annMax, emp=FALSE)[,] # several distribution functions in lmomco ## Not run: ## Taken out from CRAN package check because it's slow distLquantile(annMax, truncate=0.8, probs=0.95)[,] # POT (annMax already block maxima) dlf <- distLquantile(annMax, probs=0.95, list=TRUE) plotLquantile(dlf, linargs=list(lwd=3), nbest=5, breaks=10) dlf$quant # Parametric 95% quantile estimates range from 92 to 111! # But the best fitting distributions all lie aroud 103. # compare General Pareto Fitting methods # Theoretically, the tails of distributions converge to GPD (General Pareto) # q_gpd compares several R packages for fitting and quantile estimation: dlq <- distLquantile(annMax, weighted=FALSE, quiet=TRUE, probs=0.97, list=TRUE) dlq$quant plotLquantile(dlq) # per default best fitting distribution functions plotLquantile(dlq, row=c("wak","GPD*"), nbest=14) #pdf("dummy.pdf", width=9) plotLquantile(dlq, row="GPD*", nbest=13, xlim=c(102,110), linargs=list(lwd=3), heights=seq(0.02, 0.005, len=14)) #dev.off() # Sanity checks: important for very small samples: x1 <- c(2.6, 2.5, 2.9, 3, 5, 2.7, 2.7, 5.7, 2.8, 3.1, 3.6, 2.6, 5.8, 5.6, 5.7, 5.3) q1 <- distLquantile(x1, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500)) x2 <- c(6.1, 2.4, 4.1, 2.4, 6, 6.3, 2.9, 6.8, 3.5) q2 <- distLquantile(x2, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500), quiet=FALSE) x3 <- c(4.4, 3, 1.8, 7.3, 2.1, 2.1, 1.8, 1.8) q3 <- distLquantile(x3, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500)) # weighted distribution quantiles are calculated by different weighting schemes: plotLweights(dlf) # If speed is important and parameters are already available, pass them via dlf: distLquantile(dlf=dlf, probs=0:5/5, selection=c("wak","gev","kap")) distLquantile(dlf=dlf, truncate=0.3, list=TRUE)$truncate # censored (truncated, trimmed) quantile, Peak Over Treshold (POT) method: qwak <- distLquantile(annMax, sel="wak", prob=0.95, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE) plotLquantile(qwak, ylim=c(0,0.06) ); qwak$quant qwak2 <-distLquantile(annMax, sel="wak", prob=0.95, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE, truncate=0.6) plotLquantile(qwak2, add=TRUE, distcols="blue") # Simulation of truncation effect library(lmomco) #set.seed(42) rnum <- rlmomco(n=1e3, para=dlf$parameter$gev) myprobs <- c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999) mytrunc <- seq(0, 0.9, length.out=20) trunceffect <- sapply(mytrunc, function(mt) distLquantile(rnum, selection="gev", probs=myprobs, truncate=mt, quiet=TRUE, pempirical=FALSE)["gev",]) # If more values are truncated, the function runs faster op <- par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(2,4.5,2,0.5), cex.main=1) dlf1 <- distLquantile(rnum, sel="gev", probs=myprobs, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE) dlf2 <- distLquantile(rnum, sel="gev", probs=myprobs, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE, truncate=0.3) plotLquantile(dlf1, ylab="", xlab="") plotLquantile(dlf2, add=TRUE, distcols=4) legend("right", c("fitted GEV", "fitted with truncate=0.3"), lty=1, col=c(2,4), bg="white") par(mar=c(3,4.5,3,0.5)) plot(mytrunc, trunceffect[1,], ylim=range(trunceffect), las=1, type="l", main=c("High quantiles of 1000 random numbers from gev distribution", "Estimation based on proportion of lower values truncated"), xlab="", ylab="parametric quantile") title(xlab="Proportion censored", mgp=c(1.8,1,0)) for(i in 2:4) lines(mytrunc, trunceffect[i,]) library("berryFunctions") textField(rep(0.5,4), trunceffect[,11], paste0("Q",myprobs*100,"%") ) par(op) trunc <- seq(0,0.1,len=200) dd <- pbsapply(trunc, function(t) distLquantile(annMax, selection="gpa", weight=FALSE, truncate=t, prob=0.99, quiet=T)[c(1,3),]) plot(trunc, dd[1,], type="o", las=1) lines(trunc, dd[2,], type="o", col=2) set.seed(3); rnum <- rlmomco(n=1e3, para=dlf$parameter$gpa) qd99 <- evir::quant(rnum, p=0.99, start=15, end=1000, ci=0.5, models=30) axis(3, at=seq(-1000,0, length=6), labels=0:5/5, pos=par("usr")[3]) title(xlab="Proportion truncated", line=-3) mytrunc <- seq(0, 0.9, length.out=30) trunceffect <- sapply(mytrunc, function(mt) distLquantile(rnum, selection="gpa", probs=0.99, truncate=mt, plot=FALSE, quiet=TRUE, empirical=FALSE, gpd=TRUE)) lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[1,], col=4) lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[2,], col=3) # interesting... for(i in 3:13) lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[i,], col=3) # interesting... # If you want the estimates only for one single truncation, use q_gpd(rnum, probs=myprobs, truncate=0.5) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun
Determine distribution function weights from RMSE for weighted averages. The weights are inverse to RMSE: weight1 for all dists, weight2 places zero weight on the worst fitting function, weight3 on the worst half of functions.
distLweights( RMSE, order = TRUE, onlydn = TRUE, weightc = NA, quiet = FALSE, ... )
distLweights( RMSE, order = TRUE, onlydn = TRUE, weightc = NA, quiet = FALSE, ... )
Numeric: Named vector with goodness of fit values (RMSE). Can also be a data.frame, in which case the column rmse or RMSE is used. |
order |
Logical: should result be ordered by RMSE? If order=FALSE,
the order of appearance in RMSE is kept (alphabetic or selection
in |
onlydn |
Logical: weight only distributions from |
weightc |
Optional: a named vector with custom weights for each distribution.
Are internally normalized to sum=1 after removing nonfitted dists.
Names match the parameter names from |
quiet |
Logical: Suppress messages. DEFAULT: FALSE |
... |
Ignored arguments (so a set of arguments can be passed to distLfit and distLquantile and arguments used only in the latter will not throw errors) |
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Dec 2016
# weights from RMSE vector: RMSE <- c(gum=0.20, wak=0.17, gam=0.21, gev=0.15) distLweights(RMSE) distLweights(RMSE, order=FALSE) # weights from RMSE in data.frame: df <- data.frame("99.9%"=2:5, RMSE=sample(3:6)) rownames(df) <- letters[1:4] df ; distLweights(df, onlydn=FALSE) # custom weights: set.seed(42); x <- data.frame(A=1:5, RMSE=runif(5)) ; x distLweights(x) # two warnings distLweights(x, weightc=c("1"=3, "3"=5), onlydn=FALSE) distLweights(x, weightc=c("1"=3, "3"=5), order=FALSE, onlydn=FALSE) # real life example: data(annMax) cw <- c("gpa"=7, "gev"=3, "wak"=6, "wei"=4, "kap"=3.5, "gum"=3, "ray"=2.1, "ln3"=2, "pe3"=2.5, "gno"=4, "gam"=5) dlf <- distLfit(annMax, weightc=cw, quiet=TRUE, order=FALSE) plotLweights(dlf) # GOF judgement by RMSE, not R2 -------- # Both RMSE and R2 are computed with ECDF and TCDF # R2 may be very good (see below), but fit needs to be close to 1:1 line, # which is better measured by RMSE dlf <- distLfit(annMax, ks=TRUE) op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(3,4,0.5,0.5), mgp=c(1.9,0.7,0)) yy <- nrow(dlf$gof):1 # depends on length of lmomco::dist.list() plot(dlf$gof$RMSE, yy, yaxt="n", ylab="", type="o"); axis(2, yy, rownames(dlf$gof), las=1) plot(dlf$gof$R2, yy, yaxt="n", ylab="", type="o"); axis(2, yy, rownames(dlf$gof), las=1) par(op) sel <- c("wak","lap","nor","revgum") plotLfit(dlf, selection=sel, cdf=TRUE) dlf$gof[sel,-(2:7)] x <- sort(annMax, decreasing=TRUE) ECDF <- ecdf(x)(x) TCDF <- sapply(sel, function(d) lmomco::plmomco(x,dlf$parameter[[d]])) plot(TCDF[,"lap"], ECDF, col="cyan", asp=1, las=1) points(TCDF[,"nor"], ECDF, col="green") #points(TCDF[,"wak"], ECDF, col="blue") #points(TCDF[,"revgum"], ECDF, col="red") abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=3, lty=3) legend("bottomright", c("lap good RMSE bad R2", "nor bad RMSE good R2"), col=c("cyan","green"), lwd=2) berryFunctions::linReg(TCDF[,"lap"], ECDF, add=TRUE, digits=3, col="cyan", pos1="topleft") berryFunctions::linReg(TCDF[,"nor"], ECDF, add=TRUE, digits=3, col="green", pos1="left") # more distinct example (but with fake data) set.seed(42); x <- runif(30) y1 <- x+rnorm(30,sd=0.09) y2 <- 1.5*x+rnorm(30,sd=0.01)-0.3 plot(x,x, asp=1, las=1, main="High cor (R2) does not necessarily mean good fit!") berryFunctions::linReg(x, y2, add=TRUE, digits=4, pos1="topleft") points(x,y2, col="red", pch=3) points(x,y1, col="blue") berryFunctions::linReg(x, y1, add=TRUE, digits=4, col="blue", pos1="left") abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=3, lty=3)
# weights from RMSE vector: RMSE <- c(gum=0.20, wak=0.17, gam=0.21, gev=0.15) distLweights(RMSE) distLweights(RMSE, order=FALSE) # weights from RMSE in data.frame: df <- data.frame("99.9%"=2:5, RMSE=sample(3:6)) rownames(df) <- letters[1:4] df ; distLweights(df, onlydn=FALSE) # custom weights: set.seed(42); x <- data.frame(A=1:5, RMSE=runif(5)) ; x distLweights(x) # two warnings distLweights(x, weightc=c("1"=3, "3"=5), onlydn=FALSE) distLweights(x, weightc=c("1"=3, "3"=5), order=FALSE, onlydn=FALSE) # real life example: data(annMax) cw <- c("gpa"=7, "gev"=3, "wak"=6, "wei"=4, "kap"=3.5, "gum"=3, "ray"=2.1, "ln3"=2, "pe3"=2.5, "gno"=4, "gam"=5) dlf <- distLfit(annMax, weightc=cw, quiet=TRUE, order=FALSE) plotLweights(dlf) # GOF judgement by RMSE, not R2 -------- # Both RMSE and R2 are computed with ECDF and TCDF # R2 may be very good (see below), but fit needs to be close to 1:1 line, # which is better measured by RMSE dlf <- distLfit(annMax, ks=TRUE) op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(3,4,0.5,0.5), mgp=c(1.9,0.7,0)) yy <- nrow(dlf$gof):1 # depends on length of lmomco::dist.list() plot(dlf$gof$RMSE, yy, yaxt="n", ylab="", type="o"); axis(2, yy, rownames(dlf$gof), las=1) plot(dlf$gof$R2, yy, yaxt="n", ylab="", type="o"); axis(2, yy, rownames(dlf$gof), las=1) par(op) sel <- c("wak","lap","nor","revgum") plotLfit(dlf, selection=sel, cdf=TRUE) dlf$gof[sel,-(2:7)] x <- sort(annMax, decreasing=TRUE) ECDF <- ecdf(x)(x) TCDF <- sapply(sel, function(d) lmomco::plmomco(x,dlf$parameter[[d]])) plot(TCDF[,"lap"], ECDF, col="cyan", asp=1, las=1) points(TCDF[,"nor"], ECDF, col="green") #points(TCDF[,"wak"], ECDF, col="blue") #points(TCDF[,"revgum"], ECDF, col="red") abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=3, lty=3) legend("bottomright", c("lap good RMSE bad R2", "nor bad RMSE good R2"), col=c("cyan","green"), lwd=2) berryFunctions::linReg(TCDF[,"lap"], ECDF, add=TRUE, digits=3, col="cyan", pos1="topleft") berryFunctions::linReg(TCDF[,"nor"], ECDF, add=TRUE, digits=3, col="green", pos1="left") # more distinct example (but with fake data) set.seed(42); x <- runif(30) y1 <- x+rnorm(30,sd=0.09) y2 <- 1.5*x+rnorm(30,sd=0.01)-0.3 plot(x,x, asp=1, las=1, main="High cor (R2) does not necessarily mean good fit!") berryFunctions::linReg(x, y2, add=TRUE, digits=4, pos1="topleft") points(x,y2, col="red", pch=3) points(x,y1, col="blue") berryFunctions::linReg(x, y1, add=TRUE, digits=4, col="blue", pos1="left") abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=3, lty=3)
Fit (via L moments), plot (on a linear scale) and compare (by goodness of fit)
several (extreme value) distributions.
Compute high quantiles even in small samples and estimate extrema at given return periods.
Open the Vignette
for an introduction to the package: vignette("extremeStat")
This package heavily relies on and thankfully acknowledges the package lmomco
by WH Asquith.
The main functions in the extremeStat package are:
distLweights |
-> plotLweights |
distLfit |
-> plotLfit |
q_gpd + q_weighted -> distLquantile |
-> plotLquantile |
distLextreme |
-> plotLextreme |
distLexBoot |
They create and modify a list object printed by (and documented in) printL
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], 2014-2016
If you are looking for more detailed (uncertainty) analysis, eg confidence intervals,
check out the package extRemes
, especially the function fevd
Intro slides: https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/eva2015/wp-content/uploads/sites/44/2015/06/Intro2EVT.pdf
Parameter fitting and distribution functions: https://cran.r-project.org/package=lmomco
Distributions: https://web.archive.org/web/20110807225801/https://www.rmetrics.org/files/Meielisalp2009/Presentations/Scott.pdf
and: https://cran.r-project.org/view=Distributions
R in Hydrology: https://abouthydrology.blogspot.de/2012/08/r-resources-for-hydrologists.html
data(annMax) # annual discharge maxima from a stream in Austria plot(annMax, type="l") dle <- distLextreme(annMax) dle$returnlev
data(annMax) # annual discharge maxima from a stream in Austria plot(annMax, type="l") dle <- distLextreme(annMax) dle$returnlev
plot bootstrap uncertainty intervals for plotLextreme
plotLexBoot(dlf, selection = NULL, add = FALSE, log = TRUE, ...)
plotLexBoot(dlf, selection = NULL, add = FALSE, log = TRUE, ...)
dlf |
selection |
Character vector with distribution function names to be used. Suggested to keep this low. DEFAULT: NULL |
add |
Add to existing plot? DEFAULT: FALSE |
log |
Plot on a logarithmic axis. DEFAULT: TRUE |
... |
Further arguments passed to |
invisible dlf object, see printL
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Dec 2016
# see distLexBoot
# see distLexBoot
Plots distributions fitted by L-moments and adds plotting positions by Weibull and Gringorton.
This is an auxiliary graphing function to distLextreme
plotLextreme( dlf, selection = NULL, order = FALSE, add = FALSE, nbest = 5, log = "", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, las = 1, main = dlf$datname, xlab = "Return Period RP [a]", ylab = "Discharge HQ [m\U00B3/s]", PPcol = "black", PPpch = c(16, 3), PPcex = 1, distcols = berryFunctions::rainbow2(nbest), lty = 1, lwd = 1, pch = NA, cex = 1, n_pch = 15, legend = TRUE, rmse = 4, legargs = NULL, quiet = FALSE, logargs = NULL, ... )
plotLextreme( dlf, selection = NULL, order = FALSE, add = FALSE, nbest = 5, log = "", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, las = 1, main = dlf$datname, xlab = "Return Period RP [a]", ylab = "Discharge HQ [m\U00B3/s]", PPcol = "black", PPpch = c(16, 3), PPcex = 1, distcols = berryFunctions::rainbow2(nbest), lty = 1, lwd = 1, pch = NA, cex = 1, n_pch = 15, legend = TRUE, rmse = 4, legargs = NULL, quiet = FALSE, logargs = NULL, ... )
dlf |
List as returned by |
selection |
Selection of distributions. Character vector with type as in
order |
If selection is given, should legend and colors be ordered by gof anyways? DEFAULT: FALSE |
add |
If TRUE, plot is not called before adding lines. This lets you add lines to an existing plot. DEFAULT: FALSE |
nbest |
Number of distributions plotted, in order of goodness of fit. Overwritten internally if selection is given. DEFAULT: 5 |
log |
Charstring ("x", "y", "xy") for logarithmic axes. See |
xlim |
X-axis limits. DEFAULT: xlim of plotting positions |
ylim |
Y-lim. DEFAULT: from min to extended max |
las |
LabelAxisStyle to orient labels, see |
main |
Title of plot. DEFAULT: dlf$datname |
xlab |
X axis label. DEFAULT: "Return Period RP [a]" |
ylab |
Y axis label. Please note that the ubuntu pdf viewer might be unable to display unicode superscript. DEFAULT: "Discharge HQ [m3/s]" |
PPcol |
Plotting Position point colors, vector of length two for Weibull and Gringorton, recycled. PP are not used for fitting distributions, but for plotting only. DEFAULT: "black" |
PPpch |
point characters for plotting positions after Weibull and Gringorton, respectively. NA to suppress in plot and legend. DEFAULT: c(16,3) |
PPcex |
Character EXpansion of plotting points. DEFAULT: 1 |
distcols |
Color for each distribution added with |
lty |
Line TYpe for plotted distributions. Is recycled to from a vector of length nbest, i.e. a value for each dist. DEFAULT: 1 |
lwd |
Line WiDth of distribution lines. Recycled vector of length nbest. DEFAULT: 1 |
pch |
Point CHaracter of points added at regular intervals. This makes lines more distinguishable from each other. NA to suppress. Recycled vector of length nbest. DEFAULT: NA |
cex |
if pch != NA, size of points. Recycled vector of length nbest. DEFAULT: 1 |
n_pch |
Number of points spread evenly along the line. Recycled vector of length nbest. DEFAULT: 15 |
legend |
Logical. Add a legend? DEFAULT: TRUE |
rmse |
Integer. If rmse > 0, RMSE values are added to legend.
They are rounded to |
legargs |
list of arguments passed to |
quiet |
Suppress notes? DEFAULT: FALSE |
logargs |
list of arguments passed to |
... |
Further arguments passed to |
invisible dlf object, see printL
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], March 2015, updated heavily Aug 2015
#see ?distLextreme
#see ?distLextreme
Plot histogram and distribution densities or ecdf with cumulated probability
plotLfit( dlf, nbest = 5, selection = NULL, order = TRUE, rmse = 4, cdf = FALSE, log = FALSE, supportends = TRUE, breaks = 20, xlim = extendrange(dlf$dat, f = 0.15), ylim = NULL, col = "grey", main = paste(if (cdf) "Cumulated", "density distributions of", dlf$datname), xlab = dlf$datname, ylab = if (cdf) "(Empirical) Cumulated Density (CDF)" else "Probability Density Function (PDF)", las = 1, distcols = berryFunctions::rainbow2(nbest), lty = 1, add = FALSE, logargs = NULL, legend = TRUE, legargs = NULL, histargs = NULL, ... )
plotLfit( dlf, nbest = 5, selection = NULL, order = TRUE, rmse = 4, cdf = FALSE, log = FALSE, supportends = TRUE, breaks = 20, xlim = extendrange(dlf$dat, f = 0.15), ylim = NULL, col = "grey", main = paste(if (cdf) "Cumulated", "density distributions of", dlf$datname), xlab = dlf$datname, ylab = if (cdf) "(Empirical) Cumulated Density (CDF)" else "Probability Density Function (PDF)", las = 1, distcols = berryFunctions::rainbow2(nbest), lty = 1, add = FALSE, logargs = NULL, legend = TRUE, legargs = NULL, histargs = NULL, ... )
dlf |
List as returned by |
nbest |
Number of distributions plotted, in order of goodness of fit. DEFAULT: 5 |
selection |
Names of distributions in |
order |
Logical: order legend and colors by RMSE, even if dlf$gof is unordered or selection is given? DEFAULT: TRUE |
rmse |
Integers. If rmse != 0, RMSE values are added to legend.
They are rounded to |
cdf |
If TRUE, plot cumulated DF instead of probability density. DEFAULT: FALSE |
log |
If TRUE, logAxis is called. Only makes sense if dlf$dat is already logarithmic and ranges eg. from -2 to 3. DEFAULT: FALSE |
supportends |
If TRUE, dots are placed at the support bounds. DEFAULT: TRUE |
breaks |
xlim , ylim
col |
main , xlab , ylab
las |
Label Axis Style for orientation of numbers along axes. DEFAULT: 1 |
distcols |
Color for each distribution added with |
lty |
Line TYpe for plotted distributions. Recycled vector of length nbest. DEFAULT: 1 |
add |
If TRUE, hist/ecdf is not called before adding lines. This lets you add lines highly customized one by one. DEFAULT: FALSE |
logargs |
List of arguments passed to |
legend |
Should |
legargs |
List of arguments passed to |
histargs |
List of arguments passed to |
... |
Further arguments passed to |
By default, this plots density instead of CDF, because the distributions are easier to discern and tail behavior is easier to judge visually.
invisible dlf object, see printL
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Sept 2014
# See distLfit
# See distLfit
Plot quantiles of distributions fitted with L-moments
plotLquantile( dlf, nbest = 5, selection = NULL, order = FALSE, rows = NULL, heights = stats::quantile(par("usr")[3:4], 0.2), distcols = dlfplot$distcols, linargs = NULL, ... )
plotLquantile( dlf, nbest = 5, selection = NULL, order = FALSE, rows = NULL, heights = stats::quantile(par("usr")[3:4], 0.2), distcols = dlfplot$distcols, linargs = NULL, ... )
dlf |
List as returned by |
nbest , selection , order
Distributions to be plotted, see |
rows |
Rowname(s) of |
heights |
Coordinates of quantile line ends, recycled if necessary. DEFAULT: 20% of plot height. |
distcols |
Color for each distribution added with |
linargs |
Arguments passed to |
... |
Further arguments passed to |
invisible dlf object, see printL
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Dec 2016
# See distLquantile
# See distLquantile
Plot rank comparison of fitted distributions calculated by distLfit
plotLweights( dlf, type = "o", col = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5, "Set2"), pch = c(1:4, NA), lty = 1, lwd = 1, legargs = NULL, main = "Distribution function GOF and weights", xlab = "Weight / RMSE", ylab = "", xlim = range(gof[, grep("weight", colnames(gof))], na.rm = TRUE), ... )
plotLweights( dlf, type = "o", col = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5, "Set2"), pch = c(1:4, NA), lty = 1, lwd = 1, legargs = NULL, main = "Distribution function GOF and weights", xlab = "Weight / RMSE", ylab = "", xlim = range(gof[, grep("weight", colnames(gof))], na.rm = TRUE), ... )
dlf |
List as returned by |
type , col , pch , lty , lwd
Vectors with 5 values for line customization. Recycled if necessary. |
legargs |
List of arguments passed to |
main , xlab , ylab
plot title and axis labels |
xlim |
Range of x axis. DEFAULT: range(gof$weight*) |
... |
Further arguments passed to |
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Sept 2014
# see distLweights and distLfit
# see distLweights and distLfit
print list objects created in this package
printL(dlf, digits = 1)
printL(dlf, digits = 1)
dlf |
List as explained in section Details |
digits |
number of digits |
The common object to share between functions (see overview in extremeStat
is a list with the following elements:
dat |
numeric vector with (extreme) values, with all NAs and values below threshold removed |
dat_full |
original input data complete with NAs |
datname |
character string for main, xlab etc |
parameter |
list (usually of length 17 if speed=TRUE in
distLfit )
with parameters of each distribution |
gof |
dataframe with 'Goodness of Fit' measures, sorted by RMSE of theoretical and empirical cumulated density |
distnames |
character vector with selected distribution names |
distfailed |
Names of nonfitted distributions or "" |
distcols |
colors for distnames (for plotting). If not given manually,
determined by berryFunctions::rainbow2
distselector |
character string with function name creating the selection |
truncate, threshold |
Truncation percentage and threshold value,
relevant for distLquantile
optionally, it can also contain:
returnlev, npy |
dataframe with values of distributions for given
return periods (RPs ), number of observations per year/block.
These elements are only added in distLextreme
RPweibull, RPgringorton |
Return periods according to plotting positions,
added in plotLextreme
quant |
Quantile estimates from distLquantile
exBootRPs, qexBootSim, exBootCI, exBootCL |
objects from distLexBoot
none, prints via message
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Sept 2014, March + July 2015, Dec 2016
# see ?distLextreme
# see ?distLextreme
Compute quantile of General Pareto Distribution fitted to sample by peak over threshold (POT) method using threshold from truncation proportion, comparing several R packages doing this
q_gpd( x, probs = c(0.8, 0.9, 0.99), truncate = 0, threshold = berryFunctions::quantileMean(x, truncate), package = "extRemes", method = NULL, list = FALSE, undertruncNA = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, ttquiet = quiet, efquiet = quiet, ... )
q_gpd( x, probs = c(0.8, 0.9, 0.99), truncate = 0, threshold = berryFunctions::quantileMean(x, truncate), package = "extRemes", method = NULL, list = FALSE, undertruncNA = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, ttquiet = quiet, efquiet = quiet, ... )
x |
Vector with numeric values. NAs are silently ignored. |
probs |
Probabilities of truncated (Peak over threshold) quantile. DEFAULT: c(0.8,0.9,0.99) |
truncate |
Truncation percentage (proportion of sample discarded). DEFAULT: 0 |
threshold |
POT cutoff value. If you want correct percentiles, set this
only via truncate, see Details.
package |
Character string naming package to be used. One of c("lmomco","evir","evd","extRemes","fExtremes","ismev"). DEFAULT: "extRemes" |
method |
list |
Return result from the fitting function with the quantiles
added to the list as element |
undertruncNA |
Return NAs for probs below truncate? Highly recommended to leave this at the DEFAULT: TRUE |
quiet |
Should messages from this function be suppressed? DEFAULT: FALSE |
ttquiet |
Should truncation!=threshold messages from this function be suppressed? DEFAULT: quiet |
efquiet |
Should warnings in function calls to the external packages be
suppressed via |
... |
Further arguments passed to the fitting function listed in section Details. |
Depending on the value of "package", this fits the GPD using lmomco::pargpa
or Renext::fGPD
The method
defaults (and other possibilities) are
lmomco: none, only L-moments
evir: "pwm" (probability-weighted moments), or "ml" (maximum likelihood)
evd: none, only Maximum-likelihood fitting implemented
extRemes: "MLE", or "GMLE", "Bayesian", "Lmoments"
fExtremes: "pwm", or "mle"
ismev: none, only Maximum-likelihood fitting implemented
Renext: "r" for Renouv
(since distname.y = "gpd", evd::fpot is used),
or 'f' for fGPD
(with minimum POTs added)
The Quantiles are always given with probs
in regard to the full (uncensored) sample.
If e.g. truncate is 0.90, the distribution function is fitted to the top 10% of the sample.
The 95th percentile of the full sample is equivalent to the 50% quantile of
the subsample actually used for fitting.
For computation, the probabilities are internally updated with p2=(p-t)/(1-t)
but labeled with the original p
If you truncate 90% of the sample, you cannot compute the 70th percentile anymore,
thus undertruncNA
should be left to TRUE.
If not exported by the packages, the quantile functions are extracted from their source code (Nov 2016).
Named vector of quantile estimates for each value of probs
or if(list): list with element q_gpd_quant
and info-elements added.
q_gpd_n_geq is number of values greater than or equal to q_gpd_threshold.
gt is only greater than.
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Feb 2016
https://stackoverflow.com/q/27524131, https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/129438
which compares results for all packages
Other related packages (not implemented):
data(annMax) q_gpd(annMax) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.6) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.91) q_gpd(annMax, package="evir") q_gpd(annMax, package="evir", method="ml") q_gpd(annMax, package="evd") q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes") q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="GMLE") #q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="Bayesian") # computes a while q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="Lmoments") q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="nonsense") # NAs q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes") # log warnings q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes", efquiet=TRUE) # silenced warnings q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes", method= "mle") q_gpd(annMax, package="ismev") q_gpd(annMax, package="Renext") q_gpd(annMax, package="Renext", method="f") berryFunctions::is.error(q_gpd(annMax, package="nonsense"), force=TRUE) # compare all at once with d <- distLquantile(annMax); d # d <- distLquantile(annMax, speed=FALSE); d # for Bayesian also q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evd") # Note about quantiles q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir") q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir", quiet=TRUE) # No note q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir", undertruncNA=FALSE) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir", list=TRUE) str( q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, probs=0.6, package="evir", list=TRUE) )# NAs str( q_gpd(annMax, package="evir", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="evd", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="ismev", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="Renext", list=TRUE) ) q_gpd(annMax, package="evir", truncate=0.9, method="ml") # NAs (MLE fails often) trunc <- seq(0,0.9,len=500) library("pbapply") quant <- pbsapply(trunc, function(tr) q_gpd(annMax, pack="evir", method = "pwm", truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE)) quant <- pbsapply(trunc, function(tr) q_gpd(annMax, pack="lmomco", truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE)) plot(trunc, quant["99%",], type="l", ylim=c(80,130), las=1) lines(trunc, quant["90%",]) lines(trunc, quant["80%",]) plot(trunc, quant["RMSE",], type="l", las=1) ## Not run: ## Not run in checks because simulation takes too long trunc <- seq(0,0.9,len=200) dlfs <- pblapply(trunc, function(tr) distLfit(annMax, truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE, order=FALSE)) rmses <- sapply(dlfs, function(x) x$gof$RMSE) plot(trunc, trunc, type="n", ylim=range(rmses,na.rm=TRUE), las=1, ylab="rmse") cols <- rainbow2(17)[rank(rmses[,1])] for(i in 1:17) lines(trunc, rmses[i,], col=cols[i]) dlfs2 <- lapply(0:8/10, function(tr) distLfit(annMax, truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE)) pdf("dummy.pdf") dummy <- sapply(dlfs2, function(x) {plotLfit(x, cdf=TRUE, main=x$truncate, ylim=0:1, xlim=c(20,135), nbest=1) title(sub=round(x$gof$RMSE[1],4)) }) dev.off() # truncation effect mytruncs <- seq(0, 0.9, len=150) oo <- options(show.error.messages=FALSE, warn=-1) myquants <- sapply(mytruncs, function(t) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=t, quiet=TRUE)) options(oo) plot(1, type="n", ylim=range(myquants, na.rm=TRUE), xlim=c(0,0.9), las=1, xlab="truncated proportion", ylab="estimated quantiles") abline(h=quantileMean(annMax, probs=c(0.8,0.9,0.99))) for(i in 1:3) lines(mytruncs, myquants[i,], col=i) text(0.3, c(87,97,116), rownames(myquants), col=1:3) # Underestimation in small samples # create known population: dat <- extRemes::revd(1e5, scale=50, shape=-0.02, threshold=30, type="GP") op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(2,2,1,1)) hist(dat, breaks=50, col="tan") berryFunctions::logHist(dat, breaks=50, col="tan") par(op) # function to estimate empirical and GPD quantiles from subsamples samsizeeffect <- function(n, nrep=30, probs=0.999, trunc=0.5, Q=c(0.4,0.5,0.6)) { res <- replicate(nrep, { subsample <- sample(dat, n) qGPD <- q_gpd(subsample, probs=probs, truncate=trunc) qEMP <- berryFunctions::quantileMean(subsample, probs=probs, truncate=trunc) c(qGPD=qGPD, qEMP=qEMP)}) apply(res, MARGIN=1, berryFunctions::quantileMean, probs=Q) } # Run and plot simulations samplesize <- c(seq(20, 150, 10), seq(200,800, 100)) results <- pbapply::pblapply(samplesize, samsizeeffect) res <- function(row, col) sapply(results, function(x) x[row,col]) berryFunctions::ciBand(yu=res(3,1),yl=res(1,1),ym=res(2,1),x=samplesize, main="99.9% Quantile underestimation", xlab="subsample size", ylim=c(200,400), colm=4) berryFunctions::ciBand(yu=res(3,2),yl=res(1,2),ym=res(2,2),x=samplesize, add=TRUE) abline(h=berryFunctions::quantileMean(dat, probs=0.999)) text(300, 360, "empirical quantile of full sample") text(300, 340, "GPD parametric estimate", col=4) text(300, 300, "empirical quantile estimate", col="green3") ## End(Not run) # end of dontrun
data(annMax) q_gpd(annMax) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.6) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.91) q_gpd(annMax, package="evir") q_gpd(annMax, package="evir", method="ml") q_gpd(annMax, package="evd") q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes") q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="GMLE") #q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="Bayesian") # computes a while q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="Lmoments") q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", method="nonsense") # NAs q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes") # log warnings q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes", efquiet=TRUE) # silenced warnings q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes", method= "mle") q_gpd(annMax, package="ismev") q_gpd(annMax, package="Renext") q_gpd(annMax, package="Renext", method="f") berryFunctions::is.error(q_gpd(annMax, package="nonsense"), force=TRUE) # compare all at once with d <- distLquantile(annMax); d # d <- distLquantile(annMax, speed=FALSE); d # for Bayesian also q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evd") # Note about quantiles q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir") q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir", quiet=TRUE) # No note q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir", undertruncNA=FALSE) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, package="evir", list=TRUE) str( q_gpd(annMax, truncate=0.85, probs=0.6, package="evir", list=TRUE) )# NAs str( q_gpd(annMax, package="evir", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="evd", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="extRemes", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="fExtremes", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="ismev", list=TRUE) ) str( q_gpd(annMax, package="Renext", list=TRUE) ) q_gpd(annMax, package="evir", truncate=0.9, method="ml") # NAs (MLE fails often) trunc <- seq(0,0.9,len=500) library("pbapply") quant <- pbsapply(trunc, function(tr) q_gpd(annMax, pack="evir", method = "pwm", truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE)) quant <- pbsapply(trunc, function(tr) q_gpd(annMax, pack="lmomco", truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE)) plot(trunc, quant["99%",], type="l", ylim=c(80,130), las=1) lines(trunc, quant["90%",]) lines(trunc, quant["80%",]) plot(trunc, quant["RMSE",], type="l", las=1) ## Not run: ## Not run in checks because simulation takes too long trunc <- seq(0,0.9,len=200) dlfs <- pblapply(trunc, function(tr) distLfit(annMax, truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE, order=FALSE)) rmses <- sapply(dlfs, function(x) x$gof$RMSE) plot(trunc, trunc, type="n", ylim=range(rmses,na.rm=TRUE), las=1, ylab="rmse") cols <- rainbow2(17)[rank(rmses[,1])] for(i in 1:17) lines(trunc, rmses[i,], col=cols[i]) dlfs2 <- lapply(0:8/10, function(tr) distLfit(annMax, truncate=tr, quiet=TRUE)) pdf("dummy.pdf") dummy <- sapply(dlfs2, function(x) {plotLfit(x, cdf=TRUE, main=x$truncate, ylim=0:1, xlim=c(20,135), nbest=1) title(sub=round(x$gof$RMSE[1],4)) }) dev.off() # truncation effect mytruncs <- seq(0, 0.9, len=150) oo <- options(show.error.messages=FALSE, warn=-1) myquants <- sapply(mytruncs, function(t) q_gpd(annMax, truncate=t, quiet=TRUE)) options(oo) plot(1, type="n", ylim=range(myquants, na.rm=TRUE), xlim=c(0,0.9), las=1, xlab="truncated proportion", ylab="estimated quantiles") abline(h=quantileMean(annMax, probs=c(0.8,0.9,0.99))) for(i in 1:3) lines(mytruncs, myquants[i,], col=i) text(0.3, c(87,97,116), rownames(myquants), col=1:3) # Underestimation in small samples # create known population: dat <- extRemes::revd(1e5, scale=50, shape=-0.02, threshold=30, type="GP") op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(2,2,1,1)) hist(dat, breaks=50, col="tan") berryFunctions::logHist(dat, breaks=50, col="tan") par(op) # function to estimate empirical and GPD quantiles from subsamples samsizeeffect <- function(n, nrep=30, probs=0.999, trunc=0.5, Q=c(0.4,0.5,0.6)) { res <- replicate(nrep, { subsample <- sample(dat, n) qGPD <- q_gpd(subsample, probs=probs, truncate=trunc) qEMP <- berryFunctions::quantileMean(subsample, probs=probs, truncate=trunc) c(qGPD=qGPD, qEMP=qEMP)}) apply(res, MARGIN=1, berryFunctions::quantileMean, probs=Q) } # Run and plot simulations samplesize <- c(seq(20, 150, 10), seq(200,800, 100)) results <- pbapply::pblapply(samplesize, samsizeeffect) res <- function(row, col) sapply(results, function(x) x[row,col]) berryFunctions::ciBand(yu=res(3,1),yl=res(1,1),ym=res(2,1),x=samplesize, main="99.9% Quantile underestimation", xlab="subsample size", ylim=c(200,400), colm=4) berryFunctions::ciBand(yu=res(3,2),yl=res(1,2),ym=res(2,2),x=samplesize, add=TRUE) abline(h=berryFunctions::quantileMean(dat, probs=0.999)) text(300, 360, "empirical quantile of full sample") text(300, 340, "GPD parametric estimate", col=4) text(300, 300, "empirical quantile estimate", col="green3") ## End(Not run) # end of dontrun
Compute weighted averages of quantile estimates
q_weighted(quant, weights = distLweights(quant, ...), onlyc = FALSE, ...)
q_weighted(quant, weights = distLweights(quant, ...), onlyc = FALSE, ...)
quant |
Data.frame as in |
weights |
Data.frame as in |
onlyc |
Logical: only return custom weighted quantile estimates as a vector? Useful to add those to existing results. See examples. DEFAULT: FALSE |
... |
Arguments passed to |
data.frame with rows "weighted*" added.
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Dec 2016
x <- data.frame(A=1:5, RMSE=runif(5)) distLweights(x, onlydn=FALSE) q_weighted(x, onlydn=FALSE) q_weighted(x, distLweights(x, weightc=c("1"=3, "3"=5), order=FALSE, onlydn=FALSE) ) ## Not run: # time consuming x <- rexp(190) d <- distLquantile(x) d2 <- q_weighted(d) stopifnot(all(d==d2, na.rm=TRUE)) # fast option for adding custom weighted estimates: cw <- runif(17) names(cw) <- c("exp", "gam", "gev", "glo", "gno", "gpa", "gum", "kap", "lap", "ln3", "nor", "pe3", "ray", "revgum", "rice", "wak", "wei") dw <- distLweights(d, weightc=cw) qw1 <- q_weighted(d, weightc=cw); qw1 qw2 <- q_weighted(d, weights=dw); qw2 stopifnot(all(qw1==qw2, na.rm=TRUE)) q_weighted(d, weights=dw, onlyc=TRUE) q_weighted(d, weights=data.frame(weightc=cw), onlyc=TRUE) system.time(pbreplicate(5000, q_weighted(d, weightc=cw))) # 8.5 secs system.time(pbreplicate(5000, q_weighted(d, weights=dw, onlyc=TRUE))) # 0.8 secs ## End(Not run)
x <- data.frame(A=1:5, RMSE=runif(5)) distLweights(x, onlydn=FALSE) q_weighted(x, onlydn=FALSE) q_weighted(x, distLweights(x, weightc=c("1"=3, "3"=5), order=FALSE, onlydn=FALSE) ) ## Not run: # time consuming x <- rexp(190) d <- distLquantile(x) d2 <- q_weighted(d) stopifnot(all(d==d2, na.rm=TRUE)) # fast option for adding custom weighted estimates: cw <- runif(17) names(cw) <- c("exp", "gam", "gev", "glo", "gno", "gpa", "gum", "kap", "lap", "ln3", "nor", "pe3", "ray", "revgum", "rice", "wak", "wei") dw <- distLweights(d, weightc=cw) qw1 <- q_weighted(d, weightc=cw); qw1 qw2 <- q_weighted(d, weights=dw); qw2 stopifnot(all(qw1==qw2, na.rm=TRUE)) q_weighted(d, weights=dw, onlyc=TRUE) q_weighted(d, weights=data.frame(weightc=cw), onlyc=TRUE) system.time(pbreplicate(5000, q_weighted(d, weightc=cw))) # 8.5 secs system.time(pbreplicate(5000, q_weighted(d, weights=dw, onlyc=TRUE))) # 0.8 secs ## End(Not run)
Fast GPD quantile estimate through L-moments
quantGPD( x, probs = c(0.8, 0.9, 0.99), truncate = 0, threshold = berryFunctions::quantileMean(x, truncate), addn = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, ... )
quantGPD( x, probs = c(0.8, 0.9, 0.99), truncate = 0, threshold = berryFunctions::quantileMean(x, truncate), addn = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, ... )
x |
Vector with numeric values. NAs are silently ignored. |
probs |
Probabilities. DEFAULT: c(0.8,0.9,0.99) |
truncate , threshold
Truncation proportion or threshold. DEFAULT: 0, computed
See |
addn |
Logical: add element with sample size (after truncation). DEFAULT: TRUE |
quiet |
Should messages from this function be suppressed? DEFAULT: FALSE |
... |
Further arguments passed to |
Vector with quantiles
Berry Boessenkool, [email protected], Jun 2017
for a comparison across R packages and methods, distLquantile
to compare distributions
data(annMax) quantile(annMax, 0.99) quantGPD(annMax, 0.99) ## Not run: # Excluded from CRAN checks to reduce checking time data(rain, package="ismev") ; rain <- rain[rain>0] hist(rain, breaks=50, col=7) tr <- seq(0,0.999, len=50) qu <- pbapply::pbsapply(tr, quantGPD, x=rain, probs=c(0.9,0.99,0.999) ) # 30 s plot(tr, qu[3,], ylim=range(rain), las=1, type="l") lines(tr, qu[2,], col=2); lines(tr, qu[1,], col=4) tr <- seq(0.88,0.999, len=50) qu <- pbapply::pbsapply(tr, quantGPD, x=rain, probs=c(0.9,0.99,0.999) ) # 5 s plot(tr, qu[3,], ylim=range(rain), las=1, type="l") lines(tr, qu[2,], col=2); lines(tr, qu[1,], col=4); tail(qu["n",]) library(microbenchmark) data(rain, package="ismev"); rain <- rain[rain>0] mb <- microbenchmark(quantGPD(rain[1:200], truncate=0.8, probs=0.99, addn=F), distLquantile(rain[1:200], sel="gpa", emp=F, truncate=0.8, quiet=T, probs=0.99)[1,1] ) boxplot(mb) # since computing the lmoments takes most of the computational time, # there's not much to optimize in large samples like n=2000 ## End(Not run)
data(annMax) quantile(annMax, 0.99) quantGPD(annMax, 0.99) ## Not run: # Excluded from CRAN checks to reduce checking time data(rain, package="ismev") ; rain <- rain[rain>0] hist(rain, breaks=50, col=7) tr <- seq(0,0.999, len=50) qu <- pbapply::pbsapply(tr, quantGPD, x=rain, probs=c(0.9,0.99,0.999) ) # 30 s plot(tr, qu[3,], ylim=range(rain), las=1, type="l") lines(tr, qu[2,], col=2); lines(tr, qu[1,], col=4) tr <- seq(0.88,0.999, len=50) qu <- pbapply::pbsapply(tr, quantGPD, x=rain, probs=c(0.9,0.99,0.999) ) # 5 s plot(tr, qu[3,], ylim=range(rain), las=1, type="l") lines(tr, qu[2,], col=2); lines(tr, qu[1,], col=4); tail(qu["n",]) library(microbenchmark) data(rain, package="ismev"); rain <- rain[rain>0] mb <- microbenchmark(quantGPD(rain[1:200], truncate=0.8, probs=0.99, addn=F), distLquantile(rain[1:200], sel="gpa", emp=F, truncate=0.8, quiet=T, probs=0.99)[1,1] ) boxplot(mb) # since computing the lmoments takes most of the computational time, # there's not much to optimize in large samples like n=2000 ## End(Not run)
Weights for weighted average as in the submission of revisions for the paper https://nhess.copernicus.org/articles/17/1623/2017/nhess-17-1623-2017-discussion.html
named num [1:17]
See paper revisions (not yet online at moment of extremeStat update) ([email protected])
data(weightp) data.frame(weightp) barplot(weightp, horiz=TRUE, las=1) stopifnot( all.equal(sum(weightp), 1) ) data(annMax) ; data(weightp) dlf <- distLfit(annMax, weightc=weightp) dlf$gof quant <- distLquantile(annMax, weightc=weightp) quant
data(weightp) data.frame(weightp) barplot(weightp, horiz=TRUE, las=1) stopifnot( all.equal(sum(weightp), 1) ) data(annMax) ; data(weightp) dlf <- distLfit(annMax, weightc=weightp) dlf$gof quant <- distLquantile(annMax, weightc=weightp) quant